MAPS and directions to various meeting locations
updated 13 Sept 2018
Please inform the Academic Administrator ( ) if any of these links do not work or if it would be useful to add instructions to other locations. Thank you.
Exeter Riverside
Red arrow above shows free parking after 6pm; yellow shows site of Riverside.
Exeter The Old Deanery/Cathedral pdf
Exeter The Old Deanery/Cathedral map
Future Inn, Plymouth PL6 5ZD
Truro Old Cathedral School
Truro Old
Cathedral School TR1
2AF The Old Cathedral School building faces Cathedral Green and is next to
the Cathedral Chapter House/Coffee Shop. If you are facing the main West Doors,
go to the left of the Cathedral onto Cathedral Green; the OCS faces onto the
green on the left hand side. Classes are upstairs but there is a lift.
Truro Epiphany House
Truro parking: The OCs has its own smallish car park, the Cathedral has a small car park and there is a public carpark nearby.